Galopp at Churchill Downs eredmnyek
2015.09.17. 15:45
- Twin Spires Turf Sprint S. -
1000m tv sprinter lovak - sszdjazs: 6.458.000Ft
1.Never Le You Go My Sweetheart |
1.Embrace the Evil |
2.Romany Move |
2.Cerberus |
3.Grey Source Code |
3.Spirit Gayego |
4.TC Suerte |
- Churchill Downs S. -
1400m rvidtv lovak - sszdjazs: 8.120.000Ft
Svartalfheim - kizrva, a kpeit nem lehetett megnzni (link - ezt rta ki)
1.Cotton Onix |
1.Be My Valentine |
1.Call Me Maybe |
2.Miss Aristocrat |
2.Silent Killer |
2.Siberian Cat |
3.SH Wild Cat Red |
3.MR Migratory Comet |
3.Sempiternal |
4.Born To Surprise |
4.Capricorn |
- Edgewood Stakes -
1700m kzptv lovak - sszdjazs: 10. 530.000Ft
1.Night Witches |
1.RC Kingdom |
1.Bernardini |
2.Sweetly Stupefy |
2.Emlk |
2.Bodhisattva |
3.Cairo Prince |
3.Hot Crocket |
3.Thunder Flower |
4.Shirokita |
4.Supernumerary |
- Keertana Stakes -
2200m hossztv lovak - sszdjazs: 13. 812.000Ft
1.Living the Poison |
1.Almost Illegal |
1.Broadway Caf |
2.Chalsin Miarcle |
2.Nothing Lasts Forever |
2.DeathStars |
3.VIa Nymeria |
3.Wild Child |
3.Jottunheim |
4.Hades de Norte |
4.Eve Dream |
- Twin Spires Turf Sprint S. -
1000m tv sprinter lovak - sszdjazs: 6.458.000Ft
1.hely: ELITE, 1st Placed at Churchill Downs, 2.713.000Ft
2.hely: EXCELLENT, 2nd Placed in Churchill Downs, 1.984.000Ft
3.hely: GREAT, 3rd Placed in Churchill Downs, 1.041.000Ft
4.hely: GOOD, 4th Placed in Churchill Downs, 720.000Ft
Churchill Downs S. -
1400m rvidtv lovak - sszdjazs: 8.120.000Ft
1.hely: ELITE, 1st Placed at Churchill Downs, 3.470.000Ft
2.hely: EXCELLENT, 2nd Placed in Churchill Downs, 2.005.000Ft
3.hely: GREAT, 3rd Placed in Churchill Downs, 1.930.000Ft
4.hely: GOOD, 4th Placed in Churchill Downs, 715.000Ft
- Edgewood Stakes -
1700m kzptv lovak - sszdjazs: 10. 530.000Ft
1.hely: ELITE, 1st Placed at Churchill Downs, 5.145.000Ft
2.hely: EXCELLENT, 2nd Placed in Churchill Downs, 3.275.000Ft
3.hely: GREAT, 3rd Placed in Churchill Downs, 1.480.000Ft
4.hely: GOOD, 4th Placed in Churchill Downs, 630.000Ft
- Keertana Stakes -
2200m hossztv lovak - sszdjazs: 13. 812.000Ft
1.hely: ELITE, 1st Placed at Churchill Downs, 6.995.000Ft
2.hely: EXCELLENT, 2nd Placed in Churchill Downs, 4.415.000Ft
3.hely: GREAT, 3rd Placed in Churchill Downs, 1.702.000Ft
4.hely: GOOD, 4th Placed in Churchill Downs, 700.000Ft