2 in 1 Competition eredmnyek
2015.09.20. 11:22
Baby G. - szerintem mind a kt szakgbl halad szintre van kpezve, ezrt ttettem
Ramirez - a kpeit megnztem, szerintem djugratsbl halad szinten van, ttettem oda
- 1. nap - Djlovagls -
- kezd szint
1.My Line, Lumico, Last Dream of the Storm, Glowing L, Crimson Thunder, Ragnar Ibn Gamil, Luz Firedance, Summer Paradise, Passion Princess, RC Cameron, Aldato brnd, Delecoeur, Hazel Grace, Prince Trevallion
2.Evil Wolf, Lasting Love, C'est la Vie, Nirvana, Target, Magnus Path, Wildfire, Renee's GG, PN Pstratega, D. Salvatore
3.Great Wheels, Just Kidding, Time Expired
- halad szint
1.Necromancer, Zodiac de Luxe, Daedalos, Euro Soldier, Maekar, Flash, W. Dark, RC Ravasz, Damian SM, Mighty Nice, Don Fantasy, Insomnia, Another Way Out
2.Ramirez, Sand' Altivo Boy, Classic Thunderbolt, Caleyndar, Baby G., PM Hunter, Woodoo
- profi szint
1.Pablo los Fernando, Out of Control, Colour of Fall, Twilight of the Thunder God, Dark Passion, Supermassive Light, PN Ghostzapper, PN Le Duc, PM Fame and Fortune,
2.Abelardo, Supermassive Argent, Fuego del Desierto, Doubloon
3. -
- 2.nap - Djugrats -
- kezd szint
1.Evil Wolf, C'est la Vie, Great Wheels, Stella, Target, Wildfire, Renee's GG, Insomnia, Hazel Grace, PM Fame and Fortune, D. Salvatore
2.Lasting Love, Glowing L, Crimson Thunder, Al Salem Halib
3.Ragnar Ibn Gamil
- halad szint
1.Ramirez, Elizabeth, Lumico, Broken Heart, Riverbank Artic Falcon, Baby G., RC Cameron, Blowy Day, Delecoeur, PM Hunter, Time Expired
2.Cassanova, Xerxes, Damian SM, Breakthorugh, Mighty Nice, Diamond Uno
3. -
- profi szint
1.Christian Grey, Bleed it Out, Mylord Chartago, RC Bajnok, Furioso Hercegn
2.Vittorio, Clinton, Riverbank Poison Dante
3. -
- 1. nap abszolt gyztese: RC Ravasz
- 1. nap kznsgkedvence: Prince Trevallion
- 2. nap abszolt gyztese: Furioso Hercegn
- 2. nap kznsgkedvence: PM Fame and Fortune
Abszolt gy. (csak ezeket a nyeremnyeket viszi)
Kznsgk. ( ezeket s a helyezse nyeremnyeit is viszi)
1. ELITE, 1st Placed in 2 in 1 Competition, 488.000Ft
2. EXCELLENT, 2nd Placed in 2 in 1 Competition, 379.000Ft
3. GOOD, 3rd Placed in 2 in 1 Competition, 271.000Ft