My Favourite Pics Appearance eredmnyek
2015.10.11. 12:52
1.Aramis Knight May, PN Can't Touch This, Ghost in the Shell, PN Grandissimo, Vinnige Story, PS Enzo,Imperial Reviere,RC Nil, Hannibal de Charmain, Roberto, Lunar Foxhoof, Perfect Lie, 5th Silver Pirate, Comet Darkness,
2.Cloud Nine, Don Revision, Suiker Soet, Solow, RC Gordon, Forever Encore, Empress Jubilee, Ma Girlfriend, Lovin' Lady, Sam's Comet,
3.Illusion's Xcitin, Rainstorm de la Lande, SabineMoon, Kalzkapitny,
1.Almost Illegal,Classical Dancer, Northern Blue Lights, Lekker Laaney, Whiskey Broom, RC Doug, RC Damon, Mr. Gold,Tita d'Asories, Lovin' Lady, Minty Champion, Gold Edition, RDF Near the End
2.Celler Z, Castello Z, Ghost in the Shell, PN Pasha al Azia, Lustrous Champ, Cozmic One, RC Triana, Shining Star, Diamond Maledetto, Perfect Lie,
3.PN Can't Touch This, Fridrika, Secret Seducer, My Lonely Reid, 5th Silver Pirate, Lightbird Panic, Just a Diamond,
1.Celler Z, Castello Z, TPA Chantilly Beau White, Conquistador Thyme, PS Revense, Miss P., Empress Jubilee, Ma Girlfriend, Vivero, Eternal Chick, Sam's Comet,
2.PS Pandorah, Aramis Knight May, Gabrio XIV., Grannus Malibu, Sacred Soul W, Nala, Chaos de Charmain, Time to Stand, Kalzkapitny, Comet Darkness,
3.RC Chals, Passion Princess, Lunar Foxhoof, Proud Satisfaction,
- EGYB -
1.Captivated Wonder, Classique Valeron, Mighty Lorrie, My Lonely Reid, Carlito, Zeus de Charmain,
2.Wonderwall, Cabal Wonder, Cozmic One, Wonder Hill, Rapido, Mersuch Nomad Cat,
3.PS Odina, Just a Diamond, RDF Near the End,
Abszolt gyztes: Absolute Winner, 150.000Ft
1. 1st Placd in My Favourite Pics. App., 100.000Ft
2. 2nd Placed in My Favoutire Pics. App., 80.000Ft
3.3rd Placed in My Favourite Pics. App., 60.000Ft